Download Advanced Tables - Excel-style table editor

Download Advanced Tables - Excel-style table editor

Advanced Tables – this is a plugin that creates a custom post type – Tables. Tables can be edited using a simple and user-friendly Excel-style editor. Any Table can be inserted into any Post or Page using the shortcode.


  • Create tables in simple and user-friendly Excel-style editor

  • Insert Tables in any Post or Page with easy shortcode builder

  • Insert HTML into the Table.

  • Insert mediafiles into the Table using standard WordPress Media Editor

  • Create Table headings with custom names

  • Create automatic totals count in the Table footer

  • Create Tables with unlimited rows an columns

  • Add and remove rows and columns dynamically

  • Copy and paste data from any source

  • Use all type of aligments, both vertical and horizontal

  • Create list of Tables, designed with the Tabs

  • Insert The Tabs with the Tables int your Post or Page using shortcodes

  • Sort data into the Tables on your web site with Tablesorter

  • Use one of predefined modern style in Material or Flat design

  • Or create your own style – customization is easy!

  • Full documentation

Download Advanced Tables - Excel-style table editor