Download WebTeh Woocommerce Payment Gateway

Download WebTeh Woocommerce Payment Gateway

WebTeh is popular Croatian company for credit / debit card payment proccesing.

Some of WebTeh features

  • Webteh provides innovative and functionally rich transaction processing solutions

  • Over 250 clients process transactions with great ease and confidence

  • Trusted partner of over ten financial institutions

  • Fully customizable product portfolio provides everything for a successful business

  • Highest level of compliance with industry standards

  • Standard Merchant Rate for Debit and credit cards (MasterCard and Visa, Visa debit, Electron and Maestro)

  • 3D Secure (Verified by Visa & MasterCard SecureCode)

Benefits of using WebTeh system

  • No set up fee

  • Competitive service charges

  • 24/7 expert support

  • Highest level of fraud protection

How it works

The payment process is redirect one. Your customers will be redirected to a secure WebTeh payment page, where they will make a payment. After the payments is complete the customers will be redirected back to your merchant store and presented with a Thank you/Receipt page.


No SSL needed, the payment process uses security hashing to transfer the data and the payment itself is made on a secure WebTeh page.

V0.1 Released 06/05/2015


* 06/05/2015
* Initial Release

Test card details & Demo

  • Card: VISA

  • Card number: 4140852000076023

  • Security number: 947

  • Expiry date: 2017 / 10

  • 3D secure password: secret2

  • Card: Master Card

  • Card number: 5488661621675007

  • Security number: 000

  • Expiry date: 2017 / 03

  • 3D secure password: secret3

Demo url: here

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Download WebTeh Woocommerce Payment Gateway